Friday, December 16, 2011

Still waiting, but not worried.

Still waiting for Frontier's letter, but it will come. I'm really excited to get to live with my brothers family and get to see one of my best friends; my sister Danielle everyday for five months. Yay! I'm so excited, can't wait for what's around the bend. What a mystery, I have no clue what He's going in my life, but I can't help but know it's something wonderful. I have been at peace about my life, not that it's perfect, but truly fine, and I'm blessed to be a part of His plan. Good or bad that comes my way, "Praise His Holy Name". There have been things in my life I didn't understand, but at this moment my heart can say, it is well with my soul. The hurt doesn't matter any longer to me, He is Who matters. He is what my life is about, nothing should change that. I can let it go now, and get on with my life because of Him and His love to me. He is the One I want to spend the rest of my life with and for. I'm ready, weather He sends me to school or to Africa, or leaves me right where I'm at. His plans are far more better than mine, how can I not choose to accept His will?

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